Women’s Ministries
We are women of purpose, privilege, and a destiny.
Daughters of Abraham is an anointed women’s outreach ministry of Seed of Abraham Christian Center International. We are the covenant daughters of the spiritual Inheritance that God promised to Abraham according to Galatians 3:29. The vision of the Daughters of Abraham is to nurture, fully equip, and empower women, mothers, daughters, sisters and wives. We have been mandated to minister to women of all walks of life and to help them to acknowledge and embrace their woman-hood and their role in the local and universal Body of Christ. We are designated women of royalty in the earth realm.
Titus Two Women
Titus Two is Seed of Abraham’s Ministry for women 40 years and older. We believe each of these woman have gained a monumental amount of wisdom, seen the ups and the downs, and desire to continue to train and encourage them. Their role is to train up the younger women and we seek to empower them to do just that.
Ladies in Waiting
Unlike many, we are not a “singles” ministry. We believe in speaking those things that be not as though they were, so instead of saying we are singles, we are “Ladies in Waiting”. We are not waiting for Prince Charming, our other half, or the one who completes us, but rather we are waiting for Godly men to who take a stand for righteousness, lead households in partnership with the The Holy Spirit, and love like Christ loves the church. While we wait, we train ourselves up to be those worth waiting for!